Feeling much better today. Finally. Let’s pray it lasts.
Today we walked ALL OVER the city to check out the stores and the soldes. With all the sales, it was like Black Friday. Insane. I could barely move in Galleries Lafayette and the streets and traffic were jam-packed. On the bus, I even got squished between the doors. Fabulous.
It didn’t bother me too much though. I really don’t mind the crowds—as long as I’m not in a hurry or in need of buying something. I enjoyed the browsing. Now tomorrow I plan on going out by myself to do some purchasing. There was a small group of us today and I always feel annoying trying stuff on. I prefer to actually “purchase” alone. Or with my mom. Today I got some ideas of what I would like to get. Socks for sure. I did not bring enough of those. Maybe a few more tops. A pair of jeans. Didn’t bring enough of those either. Something to remind me of Paris would be nice. And of course, gifts for my friends and family! That’s my favorite part. I love shopping for other people!
I also went through a huge debate of whether or not to buy something nice/designer label since I am in the Fashion capital of the world. I mean part of my Christmas gift was “guilt free shopping in Paris” but I don’t know if that even exists for me. I really cannot justify spending that much on something. Sunglasses would be nice but I have a bad past with those…eaten by a dog, forgetting at a restaurant, falling off my head on a roller coaster, getting flushed down the toilet, and the list continues. I would love to get jewelry but again, bad past. Where again did I put my aquamarine and star sapphire ring? Shoot. A purse would be a good memory piece. But oh wait. How often do I use one of those? I could get a wristlet or clutch from Chanel or Dior but I have one I got at the Coach outlet for $40 that is perfectly good and useable.
I think I’ve just answered my own question. I don’t need anything else! I am happy with what I do have. I’ll just get some shirts in order to avoid doing any more laundry here. I think the memories I have made, the pictures I’ve taken, and the experiences I have had are plenty.
On a different note, I also tried to return my sneakers today since I doubt I’ll be using them and of course no one there could speak English. Basically she was trying to tell me that they weren’t accepting returns because of the sales. What BS. She did say that I could return them next week. Yet the sales go on until mid February. I think she meant next month. Regardless, now I’m stuck lugging these 100 Euro sneakers home on the plane. They’re not even the most recent Asics. Oh well.
I really want to try and find a Salvation Army/Purple Heart type place here as well. I have several things I don’t want to bring back with me and I don’t want to just throw it away! Hopefully I can find somewhere so I can put it to good use.
FOR DINNER we went to a Mexican restaurant. Because that's you do in Paris. Eat Mexican. I had white rice. Still playing it safe. The place was so tiny though. And so packed. We sat on the heated patio. Which was fine until the waitress wanted to use the extra table at the end of our row. What a disaster. The area was so cramped I was knocking things over left and right trying to move down. And getting up was even worse as we had to get around the couple sitting together on their date. "You Americans" they said. Somehow I don't think it was a compliment but how was I supposed to get out gracefully? Not even a Parisian could do that!
Moving on...
I can’t believe this trip is halfway over. Time is flying!
Hope you’re all having a great Friday and thanks so much to everyone for reading. Honestly, it means so much to me that people care enough to actually hear about me and my trip. You have no idea how much it makes my day!
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