Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day Seven: Warning: A Herd of Senior Citizens on the Loose

Today. I went here for the first time. I cannot believe that I actually saw it in person. It’s crazy to me! And it was beautiful at night. Then…it poured. 

While most people would be annoyed, we tried to make the best of it. This included laughing to tears on the way down when a herd of French senior citizens boarded the elevator. They were incredibly loud and having a great time. We were the only other ones under the age of 70. It was a great.

Here are a few pictures of tower. I apologize for quality. Like I said before, it was raining.

PS. If any of you can contact my family and tell them to skype me! I cannot get in contact with them and it is absolutely KILLING ME:( No texts, BBM’s, emails are going through. Weird. 

Here's a sample of what you may hear about tomorrow:
Get Excited!

1 comment:

  1. Have you talked to them yet? If you haven't I'll try to call them!
